Thursday, April 21, 2011
Home Again
In spite of all that, our outstanding and very proactive General Pediatric Doctor did manage to get a hold of them both and asked them what their recommendations were for Faith.
The Pulminologist said that the most resent drug that they have been trying on Faith seems to have helped her blue spells. For the past three day's, even though Faith still has her breath holding spells when she gets upset, she has been coming out of them on her own without us having to give her breaths. Praise the Lord! Her recomendation was to go home and continue her "cough assist" treatments at least until Faith's next sleep study in May when she can undergo further evaluation.
The Neurosurgeon said that the MRI did reveal that the fluid in Faiths spine had gotten larger through out the week, but until she was showing some physical symptom that this was effecting her he did not want to intervene. He will be seeing her in an outpatient visit in the coming weeks to keep an eye on her progress.
So Faith was discharged from the hospital around 5:30 this evenening. Everyone is home and sleeping in their own beds. It is very nice to be home. Please pray that Faith continues this streak of good health. Thank you so much for your prayers. We will keep you posted.
Mic and Ashley
Short update
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Breathing 101
Good news - The cyst in Faith's cerebellum that the neurosurgeon was debating on addressing with a stint during her last visit has subsided. While he is not sure what, if any, issues this cyst was causing, our hopes are that this cyst is somehow related to her vocal cord and swallowing issues.
To partner this good news with something else that had happened earlier in the week. A doctor was putting a tongue depressor in Faith's mouth and Faith gagged! (For those of you just tuning in, Faith's inability to gag is what got her the G-tube) Ashley got really excited about the achievement and exclaimed "She Gagged!". The puzzled doctor tried to explain everything was okay and that she didn't hurt Faith. Ashley replied "No! that's great! She wasn't doing that before!.... Can you do it again?" "Sure" The doctor replied, surprised at the strange request. She did it again and sure enough, Faith has got her gag back.
We hope that this means she has regained control of her swallowing and vocal cord function as well, but haven't taken any steps to see yet.
Upon further consultation with the Pulmonologist he informed us that the CT scan revealed some portions of Faith's lungs are collapsed. The best way I can describe this is in the picture below. He said that this is not uncommon with kids who have been on a vent for a while, and it is now hindering Faith from taking full breaths. He thinks that if we treat this condition then she could potentially get off of the oxygen!!! Please lord heal those little lungs!
The treatments to help expand her lungs are called Cough Assist treatments. They work by filling her lungs with a little more air than she would and she naturally does the exhale on her own. During her treatment she was exhaling through her mouth and she was making noise! (See video below). While this does not necessarily mean she has her vocal cord function back, it sure was nice to hear her voice again.
Thanks for checking in and all your prayers.
Mic and Ashley
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
We're back
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Also tomorrow is when our nurse starts, Linda. Please pray that it goes well with her!
Thanks as always for all your prayers and thoughts!!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
We have been interviewing nurses to come and help out with Faith all day, 8:30-4:30, M-F and on Sunday morning so we are able to go to church and not take her. We have found a christian woman to be our full time nurse and we are still looking for a Sunday nurse. The full time nurse, Linda will be starting on this coming Monday. Please pray that it will work out with her. Since I am a stay at home Mom we will be spending alot of time together.
I have been on the phone more then I ever have getting all the details worked out. I have signed my name more in the past week then I have in the past year, there is so much paper work. My mother, Phoebe has been here so much at our house helping out, I won't of survived without her. Thanks Mom!!