
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Past Two Months

Faith has high blood pressure so it is monitored in Clinic. Her last appointment was in the middle of December. While we were there her urine was checked to make sure it is clear and with no infection. We have started to use a catheter every 4 hours to help her empty her bladder so she doesn't reflux it up into her kidneys. With that being said she is at higher risk for UTI (urinary track infection, so her urine was checked at that appointment and was positive for a UTI. They "dipped" her urine and can tell if there is an infection, but if it is positive then they send it to the lab for 48 hours to let the infection grow so they know how to treat that particular infection. So I called CMH Clinc many many times to get directions on what I was suppose to do, or if I need to pick something up from the pharmacy. No one called me back and when I did talk to the nurse she seemed to think if wasn't a big deal. So I let it go, NEVER AGAIN WILL I DO THAT! In January and Feburay we went to the ER twice for a high heart rate and a on and off fever. Get this all due to the UTI that wasn't treated! She has had two or three UTIs in that past 2 1/2 months. If been scary at times, not knowing what do to. And when you look at Faith you just think I am so sorry after all you have been through now a stupid UTI all because that clinic office didn't seem to think it was important. On this last Monday we dropped off Faith's urine to be "dipped" at Faith's local Topeka, primary peds doc they told me it was clear (THANK YOU JESUS) then they called later in the week and said the lab didn't find any infection either!!! Best news in three months! Due to her UTI and fevers and just feeling under the weather we were not able to feed Faith anything orally. I am praying that she can start that baby food up again soon.

Two days ago Faith started acting not normally again. So what I am saying is she had about three days of normal Faith and now she is back to sick again. Lots and lots of mucus, fever on and off, and we go to the doctor tomrw but it really wasn't for this it was for seeing the ENT and her primary doc at Children's Mercy. Praying that we can get Faith back to health so we can start talking more about getting this Trach out of her. Side note: that won't be for a while but I LOVE talking about it!! Praying her doctor appointment goes well in the morning.

Please pray for Faith's health and patience for Mic and I. Thank You!

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